“Progress equals happiness.” -Tony Robbins
The truth is that the world is an unfair place.
Conventional wisdom tells us that we are not born equal, and we will never completely be equal.
I think that is the way it ought to be. I think that a person’s worth is not defined by where he starts or ends in life, but rather by the distance he has ran. No amount of wealth in this world can buy the kind of pride that a person has when he has gone the distance in pursuit of his.
The people who are successful are not fulfilled simply by the number in their bank account, but rather by the number on their odometer of life.
Happy, successful people are obsessed with the PROGRESSION of their craft, which transcends the physical reward.
That is where you need to be. Everything you think you want is right there for the taking, and so much more.
At this juncture, it does not matter where you stand in life.
Never ever settle.
If it is yours to have, take it with full intent.
When you arrive at the mountain top, do not settle. Find a higher mountain. When you break a limit, do not settle. Go beyond it. When you finally win that fight, that audition, or that proposal, DO NOT SETTLE. Keep WINNING.
When procrastination rears its ugly head, show it the door.
You may think that it is wrong, and that you are being greedy. That it is unfair to reap what is given to you by your privileges- Even if these “privileges” are what you worked for. Those thoughts are nothing by monkey chatter. The truth is that we are all takers and payers, whether we realize it or not. We pay others with our time, money, and attention. What you get in return is up to you. The smart ones among us chose what they take, and happily pay so that they can get what they want- Continuously.
On that note, here are some tips to create the momentum needed to not settle.
Number ONE: Take risks.
Do something out of the ordinary each day. CREATE. Anything spontaneous. If your creativity fails, do something that you have been meaning to do, but are afraid to. It does not matter what. Leverage what you have today for what you will have tomorrow.
Do NOT take HUGE risks unless you are confident in the result. DO take small risks outside your comfort zone. Examples include talking to a stranger, learning a new skill (as little as 15-30 minutes a day of practice can allow you become adept at it), or apply a principle or idea that you have read about.
Which brings us to…
Number TWO: Never stop learning.
You need to learn before you can earn. Do not fall into the trap of conventional schooling. You do not need a 4 year degree in something you have no passion in. Most people want to earn lots to live a lavish life, but they do not ask themselves if they actually deserve that life. No, you do not deserve something just because you want it. All the gurus and teachers out there know something that is of value to others.
So how do you increase you value?
You don’t need to read hundreds of books or to attend special “motivational” seminars. Everything you need to learn is on the web. The key is reading works of TRUE value, and then applying the teachings to your life.
Words are never meant to be worn like make-up or passed around like entrees. They are meant to be LIVED. Do not be a cliche-connoisseur. Instead, be a idiom-implementer. Seek to apply and experiment knowledge at every step along your journey.
If you don’t know something, read and apply. But never stop learning.
You will be rewarded with experience and wisdom.
Number THREE: Speak to yourself EVERYDAY
Your mind IS what you feed it.
Stop wasting your energy on those who seek to bully you into their way of thinking. Their opinions are not the true enemies. It’s not their hatred, ignorance, or protectiveness towards you that threatens your success. The battle ground is not situated with others.
It is not what other say about you that matters. It is what YOU say about YOU that matters.
It is not others who are in your way. It is YOU who is in YOUR way.
In Latin the word respect literally translates to “again” and “view.” Having self-respect means looking at your own reflection, and realizing the truth:
He who is your greatest obstacle is also the greatest ally to overcome it.
Be your biggest hero, not your biggest enemy. Feed your white wolf.
Number FOUR: Work smart
Remember, it all begins with you.
You never HAVE to do anything. You must WANT to do it.
That means never having to convince the person in the mirror. When you conceive a thought you must take full ownership of it. It is yours. That dream that you possess, it’s your baby- It does not belong to your parents, or your partner, your friend, or anybody else. It was given to you.
It only takes years of consistent effort to build something out of nothing.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, in his autobiography Total Recall, spoke about his early days in California as a part time worker and body builder:
“Being busy helping customers meant that I had no time to train the way I was used to, with an intense four-or five-hour workout each day. So I adopted the idea of training twice a day, two hours before work and two hours from seven to nine in the evening, when business slacked off and only the serious lifters were left. Split workouts seemed like an annoyance at first, but I realized I was onto something when I saw the results: I was concentrating better and recovering faster while grinding out longer and harder sets. On many days I would add a third training session at lunchtime. I’d isolate a body part that I thought was weak and give it thirty or forty minutes of my full attention, blasting twenty sets of calf raises, say, or one hundred triceps extensions. I did the same thing some nights after dinner, coming back to train for an hour at eleven o’clock. As I went to sleep in my snug little room, I’d often feel one or another muscle that I’d traumatized that day jumping and twitching-just a side effect of a successful workout and every pleasing, because I knew those fibers would now recover and grow.”
Note how even in a busy schedule, Arnie was always adapting and seeking out the positives from his situation. Contrary to popular belief, success does not need every second of your life. Depending on your life and attributes, be prepared to adjust as needed.
Cultivate discipline, and have the heart to invest time in things that are meaningful to you. Don’t ever act on the momentum of other people’s expectations.
Instead, cultivate an attitude of certainty and follow through on your words.
Oh, and in case I forgot to mention.
The world is yours, now go and take it.
Until next time.
Your friend,
Bruce Lee once said that “A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise question.” In the same way, those who seek their destiny can learn much more from simple words of wisdom than those who use complex words without moving forward. If you understand this quote then you are on your way to something great.
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