First post: Beginning of a Journey

My name is Tie.

I’ve decided to start this blog in order to share some of the thoughts and experiences that come my way in life, and articulate some of the feelings I feel along the way. In this blog there will be stories, expositions, and links I find deeply relevant to the topic of self-growth and self-strength. Because that’s what I FEEL life is all about: To grow and develop in every way possible on the way to our dreams. I repeat, ON OUR WAY, as we all are.

Why read this blog?

I am no guru or life coach, but as with every person in the world, I’d like to become the person I know I have the potential to be and live the life I know I deserve. Over the years I’ve realized that in order to achieve those things, it all starts with self-growth. I’ve also realized that it isn’t about the destination, or where you start. The only thing that matters are the ideas you feed your mind, and nourish the garden of your faith with. That’s what this blog does, is provide a plethora of ideas to get you motivated, captivated, and inspired. Most importantly it is here to help you fall truly in love with the person you see in the mirror. Every. Single. Day. Chances are, not everything I share will resonate completely with you. Some ideas you may disagree with, some you may not be able to relate to at all. Guess what, it doesn’t matter. Because we’re all on this journey together, and nobody has arrived. 

You may say that sounds cheesy.

Very. But it doesn’t mean it’s not true. To truly live is to be truly sincere, and that’s what I’m all about. That’s what this blog is all about: To share 110% of myself with you, to open my heart up completely and to share the entirety of my mind without any expectations.

Starting now.


This post was posted on Baring it All, the predecessor to Truth and Strength. This post is five years old. Looking back and seeing how far I have come, I can but smile knowingly.

To you, my friends who have read and shared my words, thank you.

Let us keep keeping on in pursuit of our passions, and seek the truth and strength in our lives.

Your friend,


About Tie 11 Articles
I write articles on fitness, health, and motivation/ emotional fuel. Background include B.Sc , M.D, and being a generally curious guy. Feel free to message/email me with any questions.


    • Hi Jeyna,

      Thanks for checking out my blog. I’ve just taken a look at your site, and I have to say I am really impressed. Do you have any advice for up-and-coming writers like myself on how to create and maintain a successful blog? Are there any experiences that you can share with me that have helped you in the past?

      I would love to hear from you.

      • You’re welcome and thank YOU for visiting my blog 🙂

        Hmm, I would say be yourself and try to keep to your blogging schedule. Try to visit other blogs too; read their posts and leave a comment (like what I did with yours).

        A successful blog really boils down to how you define success. As long as your blog does what you aim it to do, it’s a success already 🙂

        • Hi Jeyna,

          Looking at and commenting on other people’s work is a definitely a great tip.

          As for my goals with this blog, I would like to reach an audience that truly can gain something- whether it be a spurt of inspiration, practical wisdom, or what- from reading it. I agree that success is doing what I set out to do.

          I want to one day reach a larger audience, too. That is my dream, to be able to connect with more people with inspirational views through words. In the meantime, I will keep working on it consistently.

          Thanks for the advice and for dropping by.

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