“Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.”
-Wayne Dyer
Hello friends,
What I am about to share with you may go against your teachings and beliefs. I hope that you are prepared to hear that which may be uncomfortable to hear. What I am going to share with you one of the greatest virtues that a human being can possess.
It is the mindset of abundance.
It is a simple yet powerful idea. It is the belief that all physical, intellectual, and spiritual resources are abundant so long as humanity works towards them. It is seeing the endless expanse of energy, wealth, and health available with the only prerequisite being persistent pursuit.
It is evoking the same mental state as the giants in human history. Nicola Tesla, for example, worked towards nothing short of universal free energy. Henry Ford fought for affordable cars for the common man. Elon Musk is working towards a future in which humanity has a place in outer space. They all share the abundance mindset, and so can you.
If you look around today, much of the world has turned their back on this virtue. The news speaks of hard times in the economy, wars being waged over resources, and the increase of taxes due to the shortage of money for the poor.
People tell you to save your money, yet many of the same people will spend their hard earned money on the latest phone or car, or on a marketing gimmick as obvious as “Black Friday” for an illusion of thrift. People will tell you to make wise investments, yet settle for regular pay checks day after day without growing their own worth. Worst of all, people will borrow money that they DO NOT HAVE for things they DO NOT NEED while declaring “Woe is the economy.”
Do you know what they are all saying?
There is scarcity.
There is not enough wealth to make everyone richer, so the government must re-distribute wealth. In this competitive market, you need a college diploma to compete, so borrow our bank money. Settle for a job that does not bring you love and fulfillment, so you may earn a normal living.
Money is important. Money is not important.
Be realistic.
These are all lies.
This is the truth, and the mindset of abundance.
The amount of wealth that can be achieved in this world is only limited by what is possible through human imagination, which is unlimited. You do not need to go to college to become wealthy. You do not need loans on top of loans when you can be self-employed.
The only thing that defines your market value is the value that you offer others. Create the job you want. Beyond that, create the life you want. It is possible. It may not be the norm. But ask yourself what is more important, relatability or fulfillment? In fact you can have both. Relate to those who refuse to settle, and be fulfilled by never settling.
Money is money. Its importance is only in how much you attach to it. It can be as much or as little as you want. It is a tool, a means, and a concept. Wield and conquer it. Discard your fear and worship of it. Use it to serve your glory. Have money, but never let money have you. Live below your means but never stop increasing your income. STOP seeing yourself as a poor person trampled on by the rich and powerful. SEE yourself as a temporarily embarrassed millionaire on his way to greatness.
He who seeks abundance shall obtain it. That is reality.
This is the truth of abundance.
I neither demand nor expect you to agree with me right now.
If I or anyone has convinced you of a truth without your own questioning of it, you have learned precisely nothing. I want you to consider my words, nothing more and nothing less.
You might be wondering. “This sounds nice, but…” But what? More importantly: Why but? I do not deal in limitations. I deal in ideas of the ideal.
“But practicality. But probability. But obstacles…But be realistic.”
But forget for a moment that it is me sharing these words with you. Look back on your life. Was there ever a time when the words “Impossible” and “impractical” did not exist in your vocabulary?
Most children do not set limits on what is possible. Most children only know what they want. At one time or another, did you have a dream you wanted so desperately that it was all you could think about? Look back. I trust that there was a time when your own self-talk was as simple as the words:
I can. I will. I must.
If so, when did you settle for less? There you will find the lesson of abundance. It is simply this:
Work towards NOTHING short of your dreams.
This is neither pep talk nor motivation. This is the simple truth of your innate strength. However, I can only point you to yourself. It is you who must believe in that person.
Once you do that, anything is possible.
Never see yourself as less than others. Every wildly successful person was once a dreamer. You were a dreamer once, and you can and must be a dreamer once more. If you do not have any examples of dreamers around you, go out and seek them. The annuals of human literature exist for your inspiration.
Total Recall: My Unbelievable True Life Story by Arnold Schwarzenegger is one great example.
Finally, let me ask you a question.
What is worth more, the coin or the mind?
The obvious answer is the MIND. A FREE MIND is worth more than a thousand gold or bit coins.
How do you train your mind to become free? Think of your mind as your garden. It becomes what you plant in it. Keep only the ideas you wish to become your thoughts, because your thoughts shape your destiny.
If you keep filling your mind with thoughts and ideas of abundance, you WILL achieve abundance. Yes you have bills to pay. Yes you only have a finite amount of energy in a day. Yes you are a human being capable of failure and emotion.
But your WILL and IMAGINATION are not bound by these limits. Nothing is stronger than the human mind at bringing things from nonexistence into existence.
And as Elon Musk would agree:
The sky is not the limit. The sky is only the beginning.

Until next time.
Your friend,
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