Be a Leaf: A Primer on Being Grounded

If we were characters in a play or a movie, we are certainly dynamic.

Primer on being grounded; Compass

As we go through life, we each experience many things. The motions and emotions we undertake on this journey are as diverse as the universe itself. At the end of each day life takes on the form of a blur.

It becomes difficult to see yourself amidst the noises and colors. One question you might ask yourself is: How can I stay “grounded”, if there is even such a thing?

First off, let’s talk about what “grounded-ness” is.

I can name people in my life that I can confidently say are grounded. Something about these people make them seem so connected to the world and so sure of their place in it. Every word they utter seems to hold value, and their every gesture blossoms with genuine intent.

Is it supernatural confidence? Is it “inner peace”?

Here is what I think the word implies.

Grounded-ness is not a resistance to the exterior or an affirmation of the interior. It has neither inertia nor turmoil. It is the wholesome acceptance of the world and everything in it. It is letting go of the fear of the unknown, and walking each new step in faith.

Not faith of any particular flavor.

Just faith. It is the feeling that one is being led on a righteous path, like a protagonist in a blockbuster film.

A grounded individual walks towards the future like a leaf pulled by the stream.

A grounded person understands that life is just like the leaf’s journey. Despite all the highs and lows- crests and troughs- A grounded person does not fight against the currents of the universe. Instead he allows the currents to guide him.

In turn, he will know when it is his right to act with courage, to love completely, and to give willingly. He does not see himself as a vulnerable infant in a world bent on forming and controlling him. Rather, he sees himself as a necessary part of the world that moves in concert with his true self- A drop of infinite greatness belonging to a vast ocean.

The poetic imagery aside, I do not believe that being grounded negates life’s turmoil and the consequent emotions.

Groundedness is acceptance.

A grounded person is not immune to things like fear and regret. But he does not fear fear, and he never regrets regret. His emotions will be reared by their precise need at that given moment. There is no pervasive angst that he is not what he should be in life. Because he sees: We are all who we should be and where we should be. Here and right now.

With that thought, a person can begin to liberate himself from self-turmoil, and start on the road of self-love.

And at the end of the day, that is what grounded-ness is.

Grounded and Peaceful- A Night Sky

Your heart is a tuning fork of endless beautiful pitches. Give it your ear.

Then give it to everyone.

Until next time.

Your grounded friend,


About Tie Fighter 34 Articles
I write articles on fitness, health, and motivation. Background includes B.Sc, M.D (family practice), and being a generally curious guy. Feel free to message/email me with any comments, questions, or collaboration ideas.


  1. >It is letting go of the fear of the unknown, and walking each new step in faith.
    >Not faith of any particular flavor.
    >Just faith.

    This sounds good, until you realize that the vast majority of passengers on the Titanic had faith in that ship. Faith is only as strong as the object in which faith is placed. And faith alone WITHOUT an object is nothing more than wishful thinking!

    > It is the feeling that one is being led on a righteous path, like a protagonist in a blockbuster film.

    Can faith of every flavor can be considered “righteous”? Many have committed horrible atrocities in the name of righteousness, while having faith that their cause was just.

    Rather than leading to being “grounded”, this sounds suspiciously like a way to have your feet firmly planted in mid-air!

    • “Faith is only as strong as the object in which faith is placed. And faith alone WITHOUT an object is nothing more than wishful thinking!”

      If that is true there would be no placebo effect.

      Without a time machine, there is no way to determine the objective value of an object in the future.

      Facebook, Harry Potter, and the internet had no value and would not have had value if faith was not placed in them.

      The key is using your own perspective. If you want others to share that, then convince them. Having faith does not negate reason.

      The alternative is to not have faith in yourself, and it’s a poor alternative in my opinion.

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